It's a mix of emotions and moods that last for varying amounts of times until about mid January. No matter what invitations I get, none feel right and no matter what option I choose, the roads lead to the same place. Perhaps I can best describe these feeling as a mix between watching someone you really love be seriously ill and being the last kid picked to play kickball. You really want to fix something that can't be

fixed and you want to be more importantly needed than a parking meter that has to be fed to avoid a ticket.
You want to know that something can't be unless you are the thing that makes it work. You want to know that there is an empty space at someone's table, couch or campsite because you are the person that usually occupies that place.
No matter how old you are, where you come from or how you got from there to here, you just want to know that you matter. Instead of letting this get me down, I look for ways to make sure I let other people know that they do matter. That they are missed and that my life can't be unless their life is a part of this world. I think this is how true inclusive love should be.