A Few Words...for my readers with short attention spans
Before I get to deep into things....let me just say a huge THANKS to all those who financially and prayerfully supported me through my mission trip to South Africa. It has been a life changing trip. If you want hear a few of the stories and experiences please call, text or email me. I can't possibly type them all out on this blog. If you want to see some of the beautiful men, women and children we had the joy of interacting with please view the album in the upper right hand corner of my blog......now back to my regularly scheduled program....
Pre-South Africa
I feel like their are now two me's....as if one was not enough. There is the me that left for South Africa nearly three weeks ago and there's the me I see in the mirror today. I can most definitely tell you these are not the same to people. What South Africa did for me is like what Oreo's did to milk or what cheese did to crackers (can you tell it's nearing time for a snack?) Anywho, you get the idea good in and of itself, but much much better with an added component. Pre South Africa....
While I think did a pretty get job of my level of faith in what God can do, I can't say that I still had a mature view on what faith looks like. In addition to this, my ability to be grateful to God for my life in the mist of storms or moments of joy was lacking to say the least. Believing that God can really use anything and anyone to further His Kingdom was not quite fully believed in my spirit. Intellectually and analytically I believed, but deep in my spirit I shamefully doubted.