Yippee! I survived my 48 hours of no sugar, grains or meat. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It required a lot of planning, but it wasn't as hard as I originally anticipated. I told myself that I would try to ease back into eating grains by only having one serving a day. Ha hahaha ha. Yep, that didn't work. I had like 4 slices of bread and a half of box of crackers. It put me in a carb coma. Let me tell you it was divine. Then, I followed it up with a 1/2 pound of cow and side of pure sugar bliss......candy from the left, candy from the right....every where I looked, candy was in sight.
Believe it or not I lost 1 pound in 48 hours. You would think this would be motivation enough to cut down on these foods. Nope, not so much. I could give up vegetables for the rest of my life, but sugar.....man forget about it. Sugar and I are soul mates. Never meant to spend life apart. Should we ever be separated the world as we know it would cease to exist and we would (sugar and I) wither up and die. It's shameful to be this in love with food, but the truth should be known........it is what it is.