Monday, March 31, 2008

I did it!!!!

Yippee! I survived my 48 hours of no sugar, grains or meat. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It required a lot of planning, but it wasn't as hard as I originally anticipated. I told myself that I would try to ease back into eating grains by only having one serving a day. Ha hahaha ha. Yep, that didn't work. I had like 4 slices of bread and a half of box of crackers. It put me in a carb coma. Let me tell you it was divine. Then, I followed it up with a 1/2 pound of cow and side of pure sugar bliss......candy from the left, candy from the right....every where I looked, candy was in sight.
Believe it or not I lost 1 pound in 48 hours. You would think this would be motivation enough to cut down on these foods. Nope, not so much. I could give up vegetables for the rest of my life, but forget about it. Sugar and I are soul mates. Never meant to spend life apart. Should we ever be separated the world as we know it would cease to exist and we would (sugar and I) wither up and die. It's shameful to be this in love with food, but the truth should be is what it is.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

MMM MMMM Good. Got Meat?

So, I don't know what in the world caused me to think of this, but I am not going to eat meat, sugar products or grains for two whole days. No problem you say? You could do it in a heartbeat? That's what I thought. It sounded great when I shared it with Natalie and Brain, but now that the day has arrived I am faced with the reality of how much of this stuff I eat. As Becca (She's 7) would put it, "I am crapping out". I just realized how much I love grains, meat and deserts..... Say it with me.... Meat... grains...deserts Oh MY! Meat... grains...deserts Oh MY!
This is going to be a long 48 hours. I think I will lock myself in my room and ask for a glass of milk every 2 hours. I can do this. I think I can.... I think I can.......sigh.....I hope I can....I hope I can.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A very faithful woman

Just for laughs folks......just for laughs...enjoy

An elderly lady was well-known for her faith and for her boldness in talking about it. She would stand on her front porch and shout "PRAISE THE LORD!"

Next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations he would shout, "There ain't no Lord!!"

Hard times set in on the elderly lady, and she prayed for GOD to send her some assistance. She stood on her porch and shouted "PRAISE THE LORD. GOD I NEED FOOD!! I AM HAVING A HARD TIME. PLEASE LORD, SEND ME SOME GROCERIES!!"

The next morning the lady went out on her porch and noted a large bag of groceries and shouted, "PRAISE THE LORD."

The neighbor jumped from behind a bush and said, "Aha! I told you there was no Lord. I bought those groceries, God didn't."

The lady started jumping up and down and clapping her hands and said, "PRAISE THE LORD. He not only sent me groceries, but He made the devil pay for them. Praise the Lord!"

Friday, March 14, 2008

Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes you're the hydrant

This has been a long and hard week. I have been all over the place. My boss was here for three days (She is normally based out of Atlanta). This took a toll on me this week. It was a great visit and she liked what I'm doing so far. So, I guess that's good. I have been helping out with a 6th grade girls basketball team and their tournament final game is today. That's exciting! I just completed an interview for a possible mission trip to Africa and I also think it went very well. All things consider I should be a pretty happy camper right now, but now that it's Friday, I am just pooped and drained. I feel like curling up in a little ball and sleeping until Monday. Crazy huh?? I think we all get to places like this without explanation or cause. Our lack of sleep and rejuvenation catches up with us and we just crumple into an emotional heap of tears. Since I recognize that this is how I am feeling I plan to look up to the sky and ask, "Where does my hope come from?" and hopefully be filled with the joy that I know lies deep within me.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

New Song

Hey Peeps <-----Staying on my Easter them here.

Check out this song on my video bar by Mandisa. I first heard Madisa sing this at a concert here in Orlando and I loved it. I hope you do too.

Friday, March 7, 2008

I am not a Chuck Norris fan, but.................

Okay, a co-worker told me about this site and i had to share this stuff. It made me crack up laughing. It's the top ten facts about Chuck Norris from Chuck Norris fans. Enjoy.............

If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.

There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.

Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay's potato chip.

Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you.

Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.

Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.

Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

There is no chin under Chuck Norris' Beard. There is only another fist.

Chuck Norris has two speeds. Walk, and Kill.

Game Play - Now Open

I love Now Open signs. Don't you get all excited when you see them. Then you find out it's for like a new denture store or something. Then you feel all deflated. Well, my now open sign won't let you down. I am very excited that I found this game plug on another persons blog. It's now at the bottom of my page. Give the impossible quiz a try. It will drive you nuts. Did I say nuts. Yikes, I don't want to even say that word for at least the rest of the month.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Breathing - Is it really Neccessary?

Well, as most of you may know I have a peanut allergy. I thought I was doing really well with avoiding things and keeping myself safe. Until last night. Oh, what a night. I was out of town on business and started looking for some chow. There was a Panda Express conveniently located in the same plaza as where I had to be for my meeting yesterday. Ever so excited, I made a mad dash for the door, like they were giving it away for free or something. I ordered the Broccoli and Beef. I took a wild guess and figured, it should contain broccoli and hopefully some part of a cow, so we will call it beef. Obviously, this was not the case. I set down and began feverishly eating because I was starving after skipping lunch. About 5 minutes into me ripping into this, literally like a stray dog with a newly discovered can of Alpo. Then I got that no so great feeling that something was very wrong. Since I don't have this reaction very often it took me a good minute to realize what was going on. Slowly, my ability to breath was changing and I was having an alergic reation to what I could only assume was something rooted in my kryptonite ........peanuts!!!!!!! This is where it really get's fun. I am nearly 4 hours from home and had no one else with me. If I walked over to the place I had my meeting, my throat would probrably me swollen shut by then. So, I walked up to the counter of this fine establishment and in the calmest, yet near death way, I told them I think there was something with peanuts in the beef and broccoli I ate. The way awesome counter person (let's just say it's clear she was thinking about other things) said, thanks and asked me did I want something else or did I want to see a manager. I then replied, again very calmly, but slighly freaking out at this point, "No thanks". I then proceeded to let her know that I needed her to call 911 because I have a severe reaction to peanuts and in about 15 minutes I would not be able to breath. As you could imagine, her I could care less attitude, changed to....."Did she say stop breathing" attitude. The counter girl, then got her manager from a back room and explained it to him. Mind you, I am slowly losing my airway in the meantime. They got me a chair (because everyone knows sitting down heals all ailments, not), some water and watched me start to freak out by this point. Long story short and lots of epinephrine later, I am doing okay. I stayed in the hospital overnight and drove back home this morning. So, to answer my title question...breathing is highly recommended.

Monday, March 3, 2008


You know what, I refuse to live a life of convenience. What do I mean by this?? Of course I am going to tell you. I felt challenged today to be someone I am not. I am glad to report I did not give in. It would have been way more convenient to just "play along" and "go with the flow", but I just straight out rejected that option. At the end of all my yahoo e-mails is the phrase, "Sometimes standing up for something means standing alone". I have to live that life and sometimes it gets real, in a way I can't even explain on here. At other times it just gets real in a way that keeps me redefining to the person I want to grow into. The good news is that I am straight up okay with this. The bad news is that I am straight up okay with this. From the outside looking in I know it may look like there is a caged lion waiting to get out, but from my perspective those bars are keep out the stupidity on the other side. Oh, how I do love the bars. For those who have made the cut and do more good than harm, I have gone to my imaginary Sears store and made a copy of the key to the cage so that they can enter in when needed. For others, they may never get to enter again. However, I may be willing to hold a conversation through the bars of protection. Sometimes I just want to be completely rude to people and say, "Oh, you don't like what you see or what you just heard, Hmmmmm, I really don't remember asking your opinion. So I guess what you're telling me is irrelevant." Bam....rejected. "You may continue to speak, but as I walk away, it's highly unlikely that the back of my head will be responding". - Is that such a mean thing to say. I guess I better seriously go channel this not so nice behavior into something more productive. Later (Peeps) <--- In honor of Easter.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Just Bored

Okay, we have all been there, bored to tears, not sure of what to do next, fully aware that there is boat load of stuff we should be doing, but none of it's fun enough to make a priority. Yep, that was today to the letter. So, I searched the web and looked for images of bored animals and people. Wouldn't you know it I found a gorilla that apparently suffered in just the same way as I have. Apparently, someone captured all his raw emotion of the day on film. Lucky him. The next time I am bored I give you my word that I will set up my camera, set the timer and catch this oh so precious moment on film. Of course this is for your blogging pleasure. Well there is one good thing about my state of boredom right now and that's that it is 10 at night and I am pooped from watching the paint dry. Hmmm, or was I watching the grass grow? I am not sure what way awesome activity I was engaged in, but at least I am tired and I think I could definitely go make friends with the back of my eyelids. Can I say tootles? Is that a word. I am going for it.

Tootles for now.....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Amazing Photo

Can you believe this is a real picture? Can you seriously see this and believe that there is not a God?

Becca's Art Studio

A friend of mine is working on opening her first art gallry. She asked me to put one of her studio ready works on my blog to get some opinions. So, what do you think? I think it's very forward thinking with a touch of impressionist influence. Stay tuned for future works by this artist.......

Why, why, why..............................

Okay, so I was told I need to starting writing in a forum where anyone can read my writings. I kept asking myself why....why........why? The answer in no uncertain terms came back like a parental smack down that we all hate. Because. No other words, hints or explanations. Just because. So, here it it goes. Starting this thing felt like I was being shaken down by the FBI or something. Create this....verify that....send in a hair sample.....agree here....agree there.......verify this stupid made up word.......and as you may know the list goes on (everything but the hair sample thing is real). Finally, I did it. Now, here is a little about me. I am reading a book called Eat Pray Love. It's pretty interesting so far. It actually has me a bit in awe because I feel like the author speaks like me. The author has taken a year off from work to "find" herself. Doesn't it stink when you lose yourself to begin with. Anywho, she is traveling to Italy, Indonesia and India in 4 month rotations. I got to thinking, if I lost myself I would need to leave the country to search for me too. Knowing how elusive I can be, it would probably take more than a year.

Does any one know the song Marvelous Light by the Passion band. I think Charlie Hall wrote it, but don't quote me on that one. In the event you don't know the song it posted as a you tube clip on my home page. I feel like that song is my life song. This song is happy, I am happy 97.3% of the time. The other 2.7% can be a real bear. It's fun and I am fun (again 97.3% of the time and remaining balance is also a bear....actually my not so fun side is much more like a mean Lion that hasn't been fed for three days and is staring at 100 pounds of filet minion). What I like most about the song is of course the message. It's a message of action. Run towards the good stuff and remember once you found the good stuff let it shine. Leave all that crappy stuff behind....It's ok if you were fatherless and without for the now. Death has no sting when you are running towards the light and away from the shame that society likes to place on you. The grace and forgiveness that we have makes us more than conquerors. I am all for that!! Who's with me.......................(leaving the computer to go run around in the living room with my hands in the air......feel free to join me). (Tired and now sitting back at computer to type). Well, that's about all for now. Oh....almost forgot to tell you..I am dating a guy way younger than me. Don't we look good together. We are so the ying and the yang. What's 33 years between us??