This has been a long and hard week. I have been all over the place. My boss was here for three days (She is normally based out of Atlanta). This took a toll on me this week. It was a great visit and she liked what I'm doing so far. So, I guess that's good. I have been helping out with a 6th grade girls basketball team and their tournament final game is today. That's exciting! I just completed an interview for a possible mission trip to Africa and I also think it went very well. All things consider I should be a pretty happy camper right now, but now that it's Friday, I am just pooped and drained. I feel like curling up in a little ball and sleeping until Monday. Crazy huh?? I think we all get to places like this without explanation or cause. Our lack of sleep and rejuvenation catches up with us and we just crumple into an emotional heap of tears. Since I recognize that this is how I am feeling I plan to look up to the sky and ask, "Where does my hope come from?" and hopefully be filled with the joy that I know lies deep within me.
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