Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You've always wanted to be a part of a mission team

Please meet sweet little Jeremiah. He is in the AIDS hospice of the orphanage that I will be visiting and volunteering at while in Durban, South Africa.

Jeremiah was born to a 14 year old who was gang raped. The rapes traumatized her so badly that she literally became mentally challenged. She didn't know she was pregnant or know that she had a baby.

Jeremiah came to CLC when he was 4 months old. The rapists have tried to kill the girl two times so she can't testify against them.

Jeremiah, 9 months, has AIDS but has been thriving since he has been with CLC. But as you can see he is extremely frail and sick. Like him, about 50% of those who come to a hospice like this with love and prayer are able to last months and even years longer than expected.

If you would like to be a part of my team of supporters, please click the "Give now" link and select my name, GayBrielle Crawford. Gifts of any amount are accepted and helpful. Give now.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Be Celebrated

Today I had lunch with a 17 year old kid that clearly has experienced joy in his life. I could hear it in the way he spoke and the smile that radiated from his eyes. It was so refreshing to see someone this young have so much joy in their life. During our lunch he mentioned a video that he had seen on about a bus driver that was being celebrated because of his birthday.

A bus driver is still someone's important center of life that has given purpose to someone else's existence. We are also and thus, deserve to be celebrated in such a way that it surprises us. Why do we have such low expectations of being celebrated? Why aren't we exited and overjoyed about another year of life that we have been blessed to have on this earth? We are all here for a purpose. If people haven't forgotten to celebrate your life that doesn't mean you are forgotten. If you are reading this, know that I celebrate you. I am thankful for your life and you matter more than you'll ever know! If you know someone who has yet to be celebrated in a way that lets them know they matter, why not start planning that surprise and make it happen for them. You will never regret celebrating another's person existence in life.....never.

Last, but certainly not least, don't forget to celebrate yourself. Realize your importance internally and let that shine outwardly on your face (ever so humbly I might add). Then your joy of life will create a ripple effect on those around you. If you don't believe me I can set you up to have lunch with this 17 year old kid.