Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You've always wanted to be a part of a mission team

Please meet sweet little Jeremiah. He is in the AIDS hospice of the orphanage that I will be visiting and volunteering at while in Durban, South Africa.

Jeremiah was born to a 14 year old who was gang raped. The rapes traumatized her so badly that she literally became mentally challenged. She didn't know she was pregnant or know that she had a baby.

Jeremiah came to CLC when he was 4 months old. The rapists have tried to kill the girl two times so she can't testify against them.

Jeremiah, 9 months, has AIDS but has been thriving since he has been with CLC. But as you can see he is extremely frail and sick. Like him, about 50% of those who come to a hospice like this with love and prayer are able to last months and even years longer than expected.

If you would like to be a part of my team of supporters, please click the "Give now" link and select my name, GayBrielle Crawford. Gifts of any amount are accepted and helpful. Give now.

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