The day before my departure for this trip I went to pick the last of donations my employer, Trinity Lutheran School, donated for to the littles I be meeting soon. I stopped by my classroom and my co-workers picked up a beautiful bouquets of flowers and cards. One of the cards was a sympathy card for my recent death of sister and the other was a card of blessings for the team and I for the work we'll be doing with orphans who have HIV/AIDS. I didn't want to wreck the flowers so I took them to my car first and arranged them in a way that they wouldn't fall over. I parked in the hotel lot adjacent to the school so that I could quickly gather everything up and get back home. Upon making the second trip back to the car I had a little surprise waiting for me. My car was hoisted up onto the back of a tow truck with the truck driver making the last of his dodad attachment things (how's that for technical towing talk). Anywho, He looked out at me and said, "Is this your car?" and I replied yes. He then went on to tell me that he knew it was somebody that would be coming back real soon because no one leaves fresh flowers inside a locked car in Florida. Then we just there. So, I said, in my most kindest presumtiousvoice, "it was so super kind of you to go as slow as possible just in case the person showed up. I feel so blessed by you and I glad I made it back in time for you to put it down so I can get going. With a rather perplexed look, he put my car down and said, "You're welcome....very perplexed tone and drove away. After he drove away, I'm not all that sure why, but I laugh completely and wholly out loud and think winked at God. Oh, and I'm pretty sure He winked back.
Now, in other news, what a day of departure I had. I woke up with Pink. Yep, crusted and gross. I called our trip ARNP to see what she recommended. Go to Centra Care...immediately. Ugh, I already slated three gabillion things to do and spending more money wasn't one of them. I had to take some dogs that I was sitting to WInter Garden and I had to get my own dog to the kennel, which was going to be costly. So, I started the errands. When I went to take care of my dogs kennel bill in advance they looked up the total....what for it....what for it...PAID. What?!?! Huh?? This is me dumbfounded. Whoever paid it wished to stay anonymous. Okey dokey. I didn't have to think about that it expense. Long story short...that more than covered my Dr's visit and the medication that was needed there after.
Going Deeper
What's most interesting to this above stuff is how much money I should have parted with during those 48 hours. Let's take a look shall we:
Dog Kennel-$140
Dr's Office without insurance-$65 Prescriptions-$98
Right before I left, I'll be honest...I had brief debate in my mind about tithing. It's easy to tithe and do offerings when everything is going peach, but went the money belt get's pinched we quiver in our fallible human nature. We don't trust that the same God that's been there before will still be here now. Why do we do that? For real? Why?
I did complete my full tithe and my monthly offering to the my World Vision daughter got paid.
At the end of it I realize that it's all God's...all of it. I need not wax and wane at giving Him what's already His. He's got this and so much more well in control.
2Corinthians 9:6-8
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
To this I say, "All my needs are met and I rejoice that you allow me to further Your Kingdom by giving".
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod
Location:Plane to Johannesburg Less Than 3hrs