Tuesday, May 24, 2011

His hands and His feet

Ms. Agnes, house mother to these boys.

The way that God is moving here is amazing. The Christian Life Centre here in Durban is one of the most amazing ministries I have experienced. We often speak of being the hands and feet of Jesus, but nothing I have seen compares to this ministries dedication to this saying that is over used at times. Today we feed about 30 children who will take loaves of breads back to their families. This is food they would normally have to go without or pay an extreme price marked up price for. Here are a few pictures from today and yesterday.
Getting to bake the days bread.

Marco, one of the many orphans here with positive HIV status being cared for by the Christian Life Centre

Sipo and Christian taught us how to bake the bread today.

Pastor Silva explaining how the bakery is sustainable.

The sign hanging up in their bakery.

The finished product.

Kimberky, our team leader w/Mbbale, another HIV orphan

BlogPress from my iPod

Location:Durban, South Africa-Christian Life Centre

1 comment:

Carly said...

I didn't realize you had a blog. Little Marco is precious! I enjoyed reading your stories, and learning a little more about the work you did.