Friday, August 22, 2008

I got a new puppy

Okay, for the last year I have been in mourning over the loss of my last two dogs Sage and Winnie. Due to circumstances beyound my control they found a new home on a 16 acre ranch in the Davenport area. I spoke with their new Mom and she adores them both, but I can't have them back. The good news is that they both love her too.
Recently, I gave into a really awesome inpusle buy. I got a dog. It was the best impulse buy I ever made. I absolutely love her. She is by far the sweetest and most gentle dog I have ever had. Her name is Gracey. I promise that even none dog lovers fall in love with her. Yep, she is just that sweeet. So folks, here she is Gracey the Great.......................


Anonymous said...

Cute pupster! Can't wait to meet her some time. Pets really are the best lil friends, aren't they? Hope you're doing well chica! --lisa

Anonymous said...

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